Making Peace![](Assets/angel right.fw.png)
There will always be differences of opinion between two minds. One has to learn to respect the differences without being agitated. No matter what your mind or another’s says, ultimately you have to go inward to receive guidance and obey the laws laid down by the conscience.
In your lifetime you must befriend God and be patient in the relationship with all else. Whatever you need, ask only from God… never ask or want from anyone else in life.
There is no need to make an enemy ever… Do not feel disturbed or pain when someone does not like you. Do not retaliate or be vengeful in return. Ask God to fill you with love so that you can ignore the weaknesses of all others and concentrate on improving your own.
First learn to respect yourself. Place the principles of goodness in your heart and abide by them moment to moment. It does not matter how much another knows of it or sees it. As long as you remain concentrated in your efforts and content in your focus all doubts that come your way shall be cleared at the precise time.
It is impossible to be liked by all in this world. As long as you desire it is impossible for you to like all, too. The root of differences is desire. In order to experience peace you may have to choose either between keeping the desire and foster the hatred or to give up the desire… eliminate the ego, and welcome the silence of love… unity and peace…
Be the first one to extend your hand to make peace. Remember, to choose peace over dispute is the way of the wise and the good.
The restless man stopped the wise one and asked, “O Wise one that smiles with the eyes and speaks the word of peace with your word, to you I ask, ‘How do you see all as good?’” The wise one replied, “O Gentle one that seeks truth, I shall answer to you what I know. I have placed the “I” of my ego in constant prayer, and with the eye of our father in heaven I see the world. I know not what I receive… I recognize not who comes to me… I see only the stream+ of goodness that comes from our father in heaven and reaches my soul… And I see the same stream of goodness pour from His chest into the wells of your soul. And I weep in joy… I wish to know you not… I wish to know not what you have done and what you do. I wish not to know your name… I wish not to know if you have followed being good or not… All I wish to see is the stream of goodness that flows from our Lord to you and me. Anything else is not important for me to see… I walk looking at the heavens above, and I forget to see who walks as “me” and watches the Lord in the heavens above. I remember not what you have asked, for I see only the goodness of God watching over you and me… “
The restless man replied, “O Wise one that knows not yourself or your way or me, to you I bow and say, ‘I know now that to be good and to see all is good, one has to forget his self and the world and watch the goodness of God descend from the heavens into his soul. And seeing that, all life… at every moment is enough and makes one complete!’”